Boldness To Lead My Friend To Christ

I was watching Rhapathon on television through LoveworldSAT. I got inspired as I listened to the testimonies about Rhapsody of Realities on the first day of the program. The following day I was eager to get home from work to continue participating, on my way home I received a call from my friend. He was not feeling well and told me that he could not eat for a week. I immediately drove to his place. He was not saved. When I arrived I first ministered the word of God to him and led him to Christ and gave him a Rhapsody to read. The next day in the morning hours, he called me saying he was feeling better and regaining strength. He asked me to bring him food as he could now eat. Hallelujah. I am grateful for Messenger Angel and for the life-transforming words it carries. Amen. 

~Musa Baloyi

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