LoveworldSAT is a premier Christian television station delivering the best in value-based family content that is inspiring, meaningful, life-changing and informative, broadcasting from South Africa to the world.

LoveworldSAT Decoder and Any Free To Air Decoder Settings
Kindly reboot and reset your decoder using the following settings (kindly note that these work only for MPEG-4 (HD) Decoders):
Using your Remote Control:
- Press Menu
- At Installation Press ok
- Go to motorised settings and Press Ok
- Go to Motor SetUp and Press Ok
- On Satellite: press the right arrow to scroll until you get to *Intelsat20/7-KU*
- Use your down arrow button to get to the next line ( *Transponder* )
- Now press right arrow button until you get to *12562*. {12562H27496 or 12562H27500/1 or 12562H30000}
- Leave *Motor Mode* as NONE
- Press exit to go back to Dish settings
- Press Ok On Satellite, search for: *Intelsat20/7-KU*
- Ensure transponder is 12562
(if not use right arrow to scroll to it) - LNB Frequency: 9750-10600
- LNB Power: 13v/18v
- 22K: On
- DiSEqC1.0: None
- DiSEqC1.1: None
- Scan mode should be on FTA channels.
- Press Exit
- Go to blind scan
- Go to IntelSat 20/7- KU (Number 27) AND PRESS OK
Decoder will start scanning, until it gets to 100%
Then press OK - It will displays all channels. Use up or down arrow until you get to LOVEWORLDSAT
DSTV Explora/HD Settings
- Go to settings
- Satellite settings
- Press Blue Dstv Button
- Go to Settings
- Select satellite settings
- Go to additional networks
- network 5
- Enable network – Yes
- Use Unit – Yes
- Frequency – 12562
- Modulation – DVB-S2
- Symbol Rate – 30000
- FEC – 5/6
- Polarization – Horizontal
- Then select “Scan this”
(After scanning it will kick you back to the channel you were watching before) - Press options
- Channel group “Select all channels”
- Go back to main screen
- Scroll until you see Loveworldsat on the channel list.
Note: You May find 2-3 LoveworldSAT channels. 1 may be just audio and the
other one plays perfectly well.
For Technical Support kindly call +27 67 073 9223