Account Name: Loveworld Christian Network TV
Bank Name: Standard Bank
Account Number: 420 306 749
Branch Name: Sandton
Branch Code: 018005
Swift Code: 051001
Account Name: LoveworldSAT
Bank Name: Refuge Mortgage Bank Limited
Account Number: 1100054763
Partnering With LoveworldSAT
LoveworldSAT highly values and esteems its partners for the global impact you are making. When you partner with LoveworldSAT, you join hands with our Man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, in taking the Gospel to every area of human existence bringing all round fulfillment to the lives of many.
To be a partner contact LoveworldSAT partnership
Call: +27 11 886 1778
SMS or WhatsApp: +27 83 885 2040
Sponsor Monthly Global Communion Services With Pastor Chris
LoveworldSAT has the golden privilege of hosting the monthly Global Communion Services and Global Bible Study Preparatory Classroom with our man of God, Rev Chris Oyakhilome in our studio whenever it is held in Johannesburg, South Africa. The LoveworldSAT studio enables quality production in HD, seamless transmission and up-link of the audio and video feeds as the main source of origination to other ministry networks globally. You can sponsor the communion services as an individual or ministry and partake of the grace and anointing of our Man of God.
LoveworldSAT Programs Sponsorship
LoveworldSAT TV Sponsorship is your opportunity to have your name counted with the winning team. Every time the TV Shows you sponsored goes on air, you are adding value to LoveworldSAT. You can sponsor the production set, crew operations, the presenter’s wardrobes, hair, make-up etc.
For more information on Programs Sponsorship
Call: +27 11 886 1778 or +27 67 074 7582
SMS or WhatsApp: +27 67 074 7582
Airtime On LoveworldSAT
LoveworldSAT Marketing Services includes the purchase of advertisement spots and airtime packages for TV programs produced externally by other organisations. We thrive on the challenge to produce premium class media content that fits within your allocated time and budget lines.
For rates and information on airtime, advertising and sponsorship opportunities
Call: +27 11 886 1778 or +27 67 074 7582 or +2763 073 2620
SMS or WhatsApp: +27 67 074 7582 or +2763 073 2620