Thank you LoveworldSAT for your diverse and impactful programs. I have greatly benefited from connecting with LoveworldSAT. I have grown in the Word of God, become bolder and firmer, and learned how to pray.
I enjoy watching your channel because I am always connected to the right information. Programs such as LoveworldSAT news provide the right kind of news and insight. Also, YBD, Chronicles of Prophecy, Talking Solutions, Dunamis with Pastor Freedom, and Youth Live — all these programs are loaded with the Word of God and inspire faith in our lives.
My mom was not feeling well, but we participated in the Healing Streams Live Service at home and she received her healing. I thank God for the vision He gave our Man of God, Pastor Chris, to give us LoveworldSAT so that we can participate and hear what the Spirit of God is saying concerning our lives. LoveworldSAT also helps us understand the world we live in; teaching us to pray, stay positive and know the Word of God.
Thank you to our Man of God and the partners for all they are doing to ensure we enjoy these programs. God bless you.
~ Chiedza Machina, Zimbabwe
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