My name is Sonia from the UK. I came across a post from LoveworldSAT on Facebook and this was in 2022; the post was about the upcoming Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris. I then decided to register myself as my husband and I had been trying to have a baby without any success. The doctors told me I have fibroids and that I won’t be able to conceive because they are so big.
The day for the healing streams came and I was ready to receive my healing. I saw the man of God pray for people and I began to shake and I fell under the anointing. When I got up I felt so light in my body; I started shouting “I am free”.
The next week I went to the doctor for a check up. The doctor did an ultrasound and couldn’t see anything; she was shocked and could not believe it. All the fibroids were gone. Glory to God! In December 2023 I found out that I am 3 months pregnant and the baby is healthy. Thank you Pastor Chris Sir. I love you dearly.
~Sonia, UK
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