I Don’t Feel Pains No More

I started watching LoveworldSAT three years ago. I knew about the Man of God Pastor Chris. I received his pamphlets until I decided to go to one of his Churches in Zimbabwe. I had ulcers for 3 months; my stomach was always sore and I started feeling pains. I couldn’t eat properly. Everytime I ate I would feel pains and this was affecting me, I even lost weight. I got healed through watching Your Loveworld program on LoveworldSAT. Pastor Chris was praying for the sick on TV and I connected. After the prayer I discovered that the pain was gone. I didn’t feel the pains anymore. I jumped, I was so excited. I quickly called the number that was showing on the screen to testify that God has healed me through the Man of God. Now everything is fine, I am healed. Glory to God.

–  Miss Stephanie, Zimbabwe

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