Two healthcare workers at Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau, in Alaska surfaced about them developing diverse and alarming reactions minutes after receiving Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine.
At a media briefing conference that followed, hospital officials said that all 96 of its officials who received the vaccine were observed for 30 minutes after the shot. The woman who developed the reaction had no history of allergies. She started feeling flushed ten minutes after and symptoms progressed to elevated heart rate, breathlessness and she was administered an epinephrine injection. Pfizer later said in a statement that it was working with local health authorities to assess the reaction. The second worker to develop a reaction received the shot and developed eye puffiness, feeling of light-headedness and an itch, scratchy throat ten minutes after the shot. The hospital said it reported the allergic reactions for the sake of transparency and that the cases would not affect their vaccine plans. Similar allergy cases were reported in the UK as well.
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