COVID 19 Vaccines Contaminents, Self Assembling Structures ,Nanobots and never Ending Spike Production

Image: LN24INT’

If the original trials of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines delivered true results, we would have seen 90% percent reductions in the incidence of acute COVID-19. In fact we saw just the opposite explosive increases in the risk for acute illness after vaccination both on an individual and population basis. Why does the CDC have on their website a claim that the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain microchips or create magnetism in the arm? What do they feel they have to give this disclaimer? What is this all about? Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereo-microsco-pically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna:

A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study. Fifty-four samples were used in the study: 50 residual injectable vials (43 Pfizer, 7 Moderna) acquired immediately after their use in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, and 4 unopened new injectable vials (2 Pfizer, 1 AstraZeneca, 1 Nova-vax). Initial observations were made on Pfizer and Moderna products under an Olympus stereo-microscope on the same day the vials were first used. Residual fluids in the vials were preserved at −20° Celsius in a laboratory freezer for subsequent study. Later, after thawing, the residual samples were placed in various culture media for long-term observation.

The objective was to observe any changes that might occur over time and that might be observable under the microscope. It’s believed that most of the objects found are metal shavings from the early small batches that relied upon magnetic metal beads in the manufacturing process done by the military biodefense contractors. Small crystals could represent cholesterol from within the lipid nanoparticles. Suffice it to say, the Japanese were justified in rejecting millions of vials because of visible debris at the bottom of the glass cylinder. However, the real danger of COVID-19 vaccines goes far beyond debris, magnetism, or objects, is is the continued and potentially never ending production of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein from mRNA.


Could repeated mRNA vaccination every six or twelve months with no end in site have purposes beyond theoretical protection from infectious diseases? Why does the WHO Immunization Agenda 2030 stipulate new 500 vaccines to be introduced in low and middle income countries? Why use hashtag #VaccinesWork? Is it because they may not work? Scientists warn that all mRNA vaccines must be halted and banned now. Crisis of synthetic DNA contamination in the Covid mRNA jabs and it’s serious implication. To advise booster vaccines, as is the current case, is no more and no less than medical incompetence.

Angus Dalgeish, a Professor of Oncology at St George’s Hospital Medical School, London stated that at the end of last year he reported that he was seeing melanoma patients who had been stable for years relapse after their first booster (their third injection). However, he was told it was merely a coincidence and to keep quiet about it, but it became impossible to do so. The number of his patients affected has been rising ever since. Professor Angus mentioned that two more cases of cancer relapse post booster vaccination in his patients just this last week.

MSM now admitting the possibility that experimental injections cause death

W.H.O Demands for censorship of free speech

 The MSM that promoted the clots hot and cancelled anyone who questioned it, is now admitting the possibility that experimental injections cause death. And the latest scientific estimates state that over 30 million people may have already died from those jabs that were ‘safe and effective’. The main stream media tried silencing people who spoke against the covid 19 vaccines. Furthermore, the W.H.O is also pushing to censorship hiding it as a fight against “misinformation”

COVID mRNA injections have negative efficacy and harms more people

Pfizer lied about the efficacy of their vaccines

A shocking data shows that COVID mRNA injections have negative efficacy and harms more people than they protect. Even more concerning, the latest report shows that children who were injected with mRNA “vaccines” not only all contracted COVID but are now more likely to develop cancer over their lifetimes.

Written by Yvonne Katsande

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