In October 2019, I had a dream about Pastor Chris and immediately began searching for him on social media. I located him in March 2020 through his television ministry and began watching his programmes. Since then, my life has been steadily improving.
Prior to learning about Pastor Chris, my life was barren. I was sad, had a low self-esteem and suffered from chronic depression. Everything I desired to accomplish in order for my life to improve remained static. It was humiliating because I was unable to build my business. I felt inadequate. Without a means of income, I was squatting with friends to keep a roof over my head.
I recall Pastor Chris expressing exactly what I needed to hear during one of his teachings, he said “It doesn’t matter where you live, with friends in a small bedroom” , quoting from 1 John 4:4 he stated that great things are on their way, including a house.
As I continued to watch and listen to his teachings daily in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings, I had the sensation of having a material injected into my body. Whatever lesson I received during Pastor Chris’ teaching will repeat over and over in my thoughts and ears. I was sending through my tithe and offering from the little that I had, despite the fact that I was not yet a member of the ministry. Things began to shift and new opportunities began to present themselves in my life.
Tragic events occurred. My sister passed away. She lived in a different town and I was forced to relocate there. That worked in my favor since I was able to discover Christ Embassy and become a member. My pastor taught me how to partner with LoveworldSAT and other ministry arms. Being able to connect, commit, and redeem a $1000 seed with Pastor Chris during “Your Loveworld Specials” has been a cherished desire that has been made possible by the benefits Pastor Chris has welcomed into my life.
Then, in 2021, my brother in the United States informed me that I’d be moving into a full house for which he is paying rent. I now reside in a five-bedroom property complete with a modern kitchen and furnishings, limitless Wi-Fi, and clean borehole water. Something that was previously deemed impossible. I am confident that God will continue to accomplish great things in my life, simply because He is magnificent. Thank you Pastor Chris for facilitating the fulfillment of God’s purpose in my life. Hallelujah!
Berthia, Zimbabwe
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