The War Against the Trans-Agenda in Sports


Women’s biology is not a costume that men can put on because they felt particularly feminine on a certain day, or (especially) in order to try to advance their interests. This is – in essence – the message from a number of female athletes who are outraged at the extent to which a liberal and trans-agenda has exposed them to sexual harassment and even led to their demoralisation in sporting events where they are forced to compete with biological men.

The world is experiencing a crucial issue when it comes to the trans-agenda, and sports is only one battle in this war. The trans-agenda has undermined – especially – women. It has reduced women’s biology to a mere technicality, and anyone who points out that this very biology is not a mistake or that it isn’t refutable by (quote-unquote) gender theory is called a cis-normative privileged and transphobic bigot.

But, no. Often, we are simply people with common-sense and people genuinely advocating for the best interests of women. And so, today, let’s look at the war against the trans-agenda in sports, especially because this is one war in which the ramifications of the trans-agenda are becoming quite obvious to many.


Title IX was an update to the Civil Rights Act, though formally passed as part of the 1972 amendments to the Higher Education Act’s reauthorization. The Civil Rights Act had not explicitly mentioned prohibiting sex discrimination in education, and Title IX was meant to close that loophole. While Title IX does not even mention sports per se, its very name is synonymous with opening the doors to school sports participation for women, especially at the high school and collegiate level, because it mandated equal opportunities for men and women in all educational programs. During this time, there weren’t many girls’ sports teams or facilities for such teams at a number of high schools until Title IX.

Title IX has been a great champion for American women, until recently when the Obama and Biden administrations changed the definition of “sex” in Title IX to include gender identity. The problem with this approach was brought most vividly to the American consciousness by Lia Thomas, who, though having undergone full male puberty and not undergoing sex reassignment surgery, was permitted to compete as a woman in NCAA swimming events in 2022 on the basis of professed gender identity, capturing titles and setting records. Lia Thomas was also permitted to change in the female locker room.

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