WC’S Winde Keen To Include Imminent FISCAL Crisis On PCC Agenda

Image: IOL

The Premier of the Western Cape, Alan Winde, expressed disappointment that President Cyril Ramaphosa did not put the impending budget crisis in the 2023 medium-term expenditure framework on the agenda of the President’s Coordinating Council (PCC).

In a recent letter to President Ramaphosa, Winde asked that the PCC meeting on Friday give this issue the attention and urgency it merits.

The Presidency confirmed receiving the letter, he claimed, but the topic had not been placed on the agenda as requested.

The premier stated that the most disadvantaged members of society would be most severely impacted by the planned budget cuts, which would have a particularly negative effect on front-line government services including education, healthcare, and social development.

“We have a higher-than-budgeted-for wage agreement, we have a far lower collection rate in taxes and we are heading towards massive cuts and we need to find some urgency. I’ve been calling for a meeting nationally for a while now but today I am in Pretoria, with the PCC, so the president calling the premiers together, we will be talking about other things around service delivery but I will definitely be bringing forward the fiscal crisis and the implications it has for provinces.”

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