Churches in Germany have been allowed to reopen this week, in keeping with the federal republic’s easing of restrictions on gatherings amid the coronavirus crisis.
- Although many churches held in-person worship services on Sunday, they came with various restrictions. These measures included, not allowing handshakes as well as singing.
- Some churches that before the Covid-19 crisis averaged 20,000 visitors a day, held a small service limited to 122 attendees.
- South Korea was allowing megachurches and professional sports venues to hold events, albeit while still respecting social distancing rules.
- Another Church in Seoul, for example, limited access to their 3,000-seat sanctuary to 700 attendees who preregistered and were given designated seating.
- Some churches in the U.S. began to reopen as well, including Fellowship Church in Texas, which allowed only 25% of its sanctuary to be filled.
- Other nations, however, have been more hesitant to lift such bans. Greece, for example, decided to maintain a ban on in-person services while allowing the easing of restrictions for other groups.
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