Thurdays 17:00 GMT+2
Presented by Pastor Keitumetse Tshwabi
Crushin the Pressure is a youth show that discusses pertinent issues, pressures and challenges encountered by young people; while proffering solutions to them based on the word of God, and the teachings of our dear man of God Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PhD.
The dynamic Keitumetse Tshwabi, popularly known as K2 together with her panel of vibrant young people ( the A team), anchors this talk show. The show provides a platform where youngsters who are full of God’s word discuss relevant subjects pertaining to their peers, with the intention of crushing the pressure. The panelists discuss real life issues, answer difficult questions, solve riddles and address issues faced by youth
1 Comment
by Timothy
Pls help me with the link for the most recent edition of crushing the pressure where David spoke about the use of the mind.
I watched it on loveworld sat on Nov 5 or so. But i need to hear it again and again. Thank you for helping me with it.