I’m Now Connected To God, Like Never Before

iTestify: Growing up, I was always cognisant of a good God, one who was entirely responsible for my existence and who would eventually make things right in my life, just as it is described in the Bible. But due to my personal life experience I began to think that this is not true. Even at my young age, life was difficult. I visited several churches, but for some reason the messages didn’t speak to me. I continued going to other churches until I found the Christ Embassy in Pretoria. Pastor Chris was a name I had never heard before. Therefore, I began to watch and listen to Pastor Chris’ messages on LoveworldSAT, and wow, am I glad I did.

I realised my strong conviction was from God, He had His mighty hand over me the whole time. When I came in contact with Pastor’s messages, they immediately connected to God. I learned about poverty and how to eradicate it once and for all generations; I learned about the mission and the mandate. I also learned how to love the God-way and how to receive that love. I became whole, wanting for nothing. Today, as long as I want something, I get it; I better not want it if I don’t want it. Today I have been helped by many and I help so many. Pastor has spread so much compassion and love. Many know God today through me because I have been taught by the best. What a man, what a general!


~Ntsoaki_South Afria

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