I would like to share my wonderful testimony of healing which I received through the ministration of prayer by the Man of Pastor Chris on the 31st March 2020 through LoveworldSAT.
I am healed of pain which I had around my waist and hip area for three (3) months. The pain had come as a result of a heavy load which I tried carrying by myself while working around the yard in my home in December 2019. The pain was making life difficult for me because I couldn’t do normal household work, some days even seating would be painful and sleeping at night unbearable.
After praying with the man of God, the following morning I realized the pain was no more. For the first time since that incident I felt no pain or discomfort on my waist and hip. I am pain free. Now I can do all of my work around home and seat without any pain.
There is so much that I see has begun to happen even in my prayer life since connecting with the Live service on Loveworldsat. Before whenever I prayed I felt like there was a blockage and I was talking to myself. I felt like I lacked the words to say, my mind would go blank and contrary thoughts would come into my mind. But now that has changed in a blink of an eye, when I pray words come gushing out and my mind doesn’t run away.
I thank God Almighty for my healing and revival of my prayer life.Thank you Pastor Chris and thank you LoveWorldsat team. God continue to bless you and protect you.
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