According to ActionSA, De Ruyter’s Affidavit Proves That ANC is Responsible for Load Shedding

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According to ActionSA, an affidavit from Eskom proved that the governing ANC was directly accountable for failing to solve the country’s power demands.

The affidavit was deposed as part of a court complaint brought by the United Democratic Movement (UDM) and 17 others to declare the government’s response to load shedding unlawful and a violation of fundamental human rights, among other things.

The matter will be heard in the North Gauteng High Court next month.

According to ActionSA, Eskom’s former CEO, Andre de Ruyter, stated in an answering affidavit that the 10-year delay in constructing new power plants meant Eskom had operated its ageing coal fleet at higher usage levels than accepted international industry practice.

The utility also had to postpone scheduled fleet maintenance.

According to the party, if Eskom’s previous CEOs Brian Molefe and Matshela Koko had not refused to enter into agreements with independent power producers, 96 percent of today’s load-shedding could have been avoided.

According to De Ruyter’s affidavit, the government implemented a “keep the lights on policy,” which effectively barred Eskom from conducting necessary maintenance, resulting in the forced load reduction that has brought parts of the country to a halt for more than a decade.

The former Eskom executive also claimed that Hitachi, which assisted in the construction of boilers at the Medupi and Kusile power plants, encouraged the ANC’s investment arm, Chancellor House, to use its political clout to secure contracts from Eskom.

He claimed Hitachi paid R90 million in ‘dividends’ to Chancellor House.

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