Solidarity At Eskom Confirmed That Its Members Have Accepted The Wage Offer


Solidarity, a trade union, has verified that its members at Eskom have agreed to the revised salary offer.

The group is one of the three officially recognized unions at the struggling power company.

Leaders of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) are now in discussions on how they would react to Eskom’s offer.


Solidarity stated that it anticipated that when unions met with Eskom on Tuesday afternoon, the salary negotiations will be completed.

Helgard Cronje of the union: “The demands made by Solidarity were lower than those made by Eskom. That implies that accepting the offer is within our mandate.”

Shop stewards from NUM and Numsa have called a council meeting in the meanwhile, where they are talking about how their members are responding to the offer.

Eskom has requested R400 housing allowance increases, 7% wage increases for employees, and the restoration of working conditions that were terminated last year.

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